Strategic Fen Study and Management Plan
Estimated Timeline: December 2018-December 2022 Estimated Cost: $120,000Calcareous fens are a rare wetland type characterized by discharge of relatively cold, calcium-rich groundwater that sustains unique plant communities. Several calcareous fens exist within the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD), most notably Seminary Fen and Savage Fen. Groundwater monitoring occurs in all the calcareous fens within the watershed boundary. The rarity and special needs of these resources is one of the reasons the LMRWD developed areas designated as High Value Resource Areas within its most recent Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan and why the LMRWD has continued to study these fens. The water levels of fens affect their overall health and Dakota County monitoring has shown a downward trend in water levels since 2011.
In 2015, the LMRWD commissioned Burns & McDonnell to assess the cause of the declining water levels. This assessment focused on the evaluation of data on the portion of the calcareous fens located within the boundaries of the LMRWD. A site model was completed for each fen that presents the topography, land use, geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, and sources and sinks of groundwater. Using information gathered, the LMRWD developed a sustainable management plan for each fen. The LMRWD then retained the services of Young Environmental Consulting Group to expand the project to conduct additional assessment of the Dakota County fens and to include Seminary Fen in Carver County and Savage Fen in Scott County. In coordination with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the LMRWD performed a gaps analysis, reviewing available information, and conducted a vegetative assessment in each fen.
In 2020, the Fens Sustainability Gaps Analysis for Carver, Dakota, and Scott counties was completed to identify gaps in existing fen information while recommending the need for better data collection and outlining a long-term comprehensive plan. From that, the Seminary Fen Stewardship Plan was developed and completed in 2022. This project is a partnership between the LMRWD, the Minnesota DNR, and the Metropolitan Council to develop a management plan to protect, preserve, and possibly restore Seminary Fen. Similar stewardship plans are in development for Savage Fen, Nicols Meadow Fen, and the Gun Club Lake Fens.
Project Resources
Fens Sustainability Gaps Analysis for Carver, Dakota, and Scott Counties, Minnesota - May 2020
Appendix B - Well Summary Recommendations
Appendix D - Climate Assessment
Previously issued reports
Dakota County Fen Study/ Management Plan Workplan - 2018/2019
2018 Fen Well Monitoring Report
2015 Groundwater and Fen Evaluation Summary Report
Environmental Monitoring of Nicols Fen - June 2008

Project Contact
For more information about this project, contact:
Linda Loomis
Project Partners
Carver County
Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District
Metropolitan Council
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Scott County