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Requests for Proposals

Posted: 11/02/21

The LMRWD has posted Requests for Proposals for accounting services and 2021/2022 Audit Services.

The LMRWD is seeking a new financial services provider who will be responsible for setting up and maintaining an accounting system for the district consisting of the General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.  The accounting services are to be provided using Fund Accounting principles.  Accountant shall provide an ongoing process of setting the accounting parameters within which the district will operate to protect the fiduciary interests of the district by identifying the financial consequences of choices: discuss alternative solutions; educate the Board and Administrator about the accounting issues involved; and inform the District Administrator or Treasurer, of laws, regulations and accounting practices that might affect district finances.  In this function, District Accountant shall routinely review and assess district accounts as well as bookkeeping practices and procedures to consider, among other things, whether they are 1) consistent with acceptable governmental practice, 2) consistent with federal and state laws and regulations, and 3) likely to protect the financial interests of the district.  The RFP can be found using this link.

In addition, the district is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accounts for audit of its financial statements, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 103B.227, Subd. 5. This audit is to be performed in accordance with the provisions contained the request for proposal, which can be found using this link.

Both request have been posted to the District's Bids & RFPs page. All proposals must be submitted electronically in PDF format by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, submitted to District Administrator, Linda Loomis at Questions should be addressed to Linda Loomis by email before November 30, 2021. If possible, please keep proposals to 15 pages or less. The LMRWD Board of Managers plans to make its selections pursuant to the RFPs at its December 15, 2021, meeting. The Board of Managers reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and otherwise take such action it deems in the best interest of the LMRWD. All positions are considered to be independent contractors.

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