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2021 Budget and Certification of Levy

Posted: 08/12/20

On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 7:00 pm, pursuant to Section 103D.911 of Minnesota Statutes, the Board of Managers of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District held a public hearing to receive public comment on the District's proposed 2021 Budget and certification of the preliminary levy of taxes payable 2021.

The proposed expenditures for 2021 are $1,065,000.  This represents a decrease of $389,520.67 from 2020.  A levy of $725,000 is proposed on real property in Carver, Dakota, Hennepin and Scott Counties within the boundaries of the District.  Of this proposed levy, $250,000 will be levied pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 103D.905 to be used for administrative purposes, including permit review, permit inspection, general engineering, general legal services and other costs and expenses of the District's operations.  $475,000, will be levied pursuant to Minnesota Statutues Section 103B.241 to pay for projects identified in the District's approved and adopted Watershed Management Plan necessary to implement the purposes of Minnesota Statutues Section 103B.201.  This preliminary levy represents no change from the levy payable in 2020.

The proposed 2021 Budget  and preliminary certification of tax levy payable 2021 was adopted unanimously by the Board after conclusion of the required public hearing.

Public Notice of the hearing was published in the Star Tribune, Sunday, August 9, 2020 and Sunday August 16, 2020 Editions.

2021 Proposed Budget

Explanation of 2021 Budget Line items

Table of historical LMRWD levies

Work plans for CIP Projects

CIP Spreadsheet

Resolution 20-09 - Approving Mid-year Budget Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2020 and Authorizing District Administrator to Implement Same

Resolutions 20-05 through 20-08 Preliminary Certification of Property Tax Levies for Taxes Payable 2021 and Approval of 2021 Proposed Budget

Notice of Public Hearing

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