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Notice of Public Hearing - Rule Adoption

Posted: 02/19/20

The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District adopted its Watershed Management Plan October 24, 2018.  Draft rules have been developed to implement the plan. On October 31, 2019, in accordance with Section 103D.341 of Minnesota Statutes, the draft rules were submited to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resource for a 45-day review period.  In addition, the draft rules were submitted to all other state agencies, counties and municipalities within the boundaries of the District.  The review period was extended to December 28, 2019 at the request of several municpalities.

These rules are required by Minnesota Statute 103D.341 and are supported by the statement of need and reasonableness analysis produced as part of the District’s watershed management plan amendment process in 2017-2018. The rules allow the District to take the following actions:

  • issue a LMRWD municipal permit to municipalities so they can administer the erosion and sediment control,  stormwater management, and steep slopes rules
  • issue permits for Minnesota Department of Transportation projects as well as projects undertaken in unincorporated areas of the DIstrict not regulated by another agency
  • enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to assist with the administration of shoreline and streambanks stabilization, water crossing, and water appropriation permits

The District prepared responses to the comments received during the review period.  The draft rules, a redlined version of the draft rules (highlighting changes from the October 2019 version) and the District's response to comments received can be found by following the links below:

A Public Hearing before adoption of the rules is scheduled for 7:00pm, Wednesday, February 19, 2020 in the County Board Room of the Carver County Government Center, 602 East Fourth Street, Chaska, MN 55318.  All parties interested are invited to attend to offer comments and ask question.  Written comments may be sent through the date of the hearing, by email or US Mail to Linda Loomis, District Administrator at, or 112 East 5th Street, Suite 102, Chaska, MN 55318.

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