Meeting Agenda
At the December 14, 2022 meeting of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District Board of Managers, the Board tabled several items to a work session to be held prior to the January 18, 2023 regular meeting.
The work session will start at 5:00pm (CST) in the County Board Room at the Carver County Government Center, 602 East 4th Street, Chaska, MN 55318. The Board will hold this meeting in person. The meeting may be joined virtually by clicking on the link below:
The meeting may be joined by telephone by calling 1-408-418-9388, meeting number (access code): 2553 212 9406; Meeting password FGaZpXcH243 (34297924 from phones and video systems).
Members of the public with questions about participating in the meeting interactively are asked to contact LMRWD Administrator, Linda Loomis, at 763-545-4659 or by email (preferred) at
Some Managers may participate from remote locations. One remote location will be the South Conference Room of the Arizona Senior Academy located at 13715 E Langtry Lane, Tucson, AZ 85747. Please check back to see where locations may be. Please be aware if you choose to participate at/from a remote meeting location meeting times are Central Standard Time. Please note that no meeting will occur at this location due to COVID Quarantine Protocols.
Contact District Administrator, Linda Loomis, at if you would like to be placed on the agenda distribution list.
January 18, 2023 work session agenda
- 2023 Work Plans
- MN Corridor Management Plan
- Municipal meeting reviews
- LMRWD Municipal Coordination Update dated 12-08-2022 (presented at December 14, 2022 LMRWD Board meeting)
- LMRWD Municipal Coordination Update dated 1-11-2023