Grants are available for projects that protect and improve water and natural resources within the Lower Minnesota River Watershed

It is strongly encouraged that applicants attend a session of "Landscaping for Clean Water" offered by the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District. 

2025 Cost Share Incentive and Water Quality Restoration Program 

The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD) values and supports efforts made by residents to help achieve the goals of the LMRWD. Through the Cost Share Incentive and Water Quality Restoration Program, the LMRWD hopes to engage citizens in community actions that protect local lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and fens. 


Cost share funds are available to public or private landowners within the LMRWD to carry out projects that support one or more of the following goals:

  • Improve, protect or restore water quality of lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and fens
  • Increase the capacity of the watershed to store water
  • Reduce bluff, streambank, or mainstem erosion
  • Protect or restore groundwater resources
  • Enhance navigation on the Minnesota River, excluding dredging projects
  • Reduce the impact of invasive species on lakes, streams rivers, wetlands and fens
  • Preserve, protect or restore native plant and wildlife habitats with emphasis on lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, and fens
  • Provide public education benefits and engage the public in stewardship

Grant funds are available to residents, associations, nonprofits, schools, businesses, and cities for projects located within LMRWD boundaries.

Many types of projects are eligible for grant money. A few examples include: raingardens, shoreline restoration, permeable pavers, buckthorn removal with native restoration, and more!

Grant Funding

Grants will be awarded for up to 50% of a project’s cost, on a reimbursement basis, for materials, labor, engineering, and consulting fees. The minimum grant award is $500.

Maximum grant award:

  • $2,500 for residential projects
  • $7,500 for townhome, condominium, or lake associations
  • $20,000 for commercial, government, or nonprofit projects

Grant Guidelines

Review the cost share grant guidelines before filling out and submitting your application. The grant guidelines contain important information about eligible projects and expenses, reporting requirements, and application requirements.

Eligible Expenses

It is the primary intent of the program to reimburse the cost of materials. Labor and volunteer time will be considered an in-kind contribution from the recipient. Grants will be awarded for up to 50% of the eligible expenses. Projects that are completed or in progress prior to application are not eligible for funding. Eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) could include:

  • Buffer strips
  • Rain gardens
  • Shoreline, streambank, or riverbank restoration
  • Pervious pavers and porous concrete or asphalt
  • Unique solutions for soil erosion and sediment control practices
  • Native habitat restoration with priority given to waterways, lakes, buffers, and ponds
  • Volume reduction and runoff treatment practices (infiltration basins & trenched, cisterns, green roofs, and bio-filtration)

​​​Any other innovative stormwater runoff treatment or volume reduction management practice eligible studies/investigations could include:

  • Water quality management and restoration
  • Water quantity management and restoration
  • Groundwater management and restoration
  • Unique resource (fen, trout stream) management and restoration
  • Best Management Practice (BMP) feasibility and restoration

Cost Share Worksheet Tool

Application Submittal and Approval

The LMRWD will accept new applications until April 15, 2022. If funds remain, applications will continue
to be accepted until all funds are used. Applications can be downloaded from the LMRWD website.
Completed applications can be submitted electronically or US mail and must include all information

Once available funding has been consumed, applications will no longer be reviewed and applicants will
be informed of the situation. Applicants are required to submit a grant application that includes the

  1. Signed and dated application form (fillable application/printable application)
  2. Narrative of proposed project
  3. Location map
  4. Record of property ownership
  5. Construction/installation site plan, designs, and specifications
  6. Estimate of water captured and pollution removed (if applicable)
  7. Itemized budget
  8. Contractor bid (if using)
  9. Plant list (if applicable)
  10. Accounting of in-kind contribution of labor and materials, if any

The application must be signed and dated. Applications can be submitted electronically. If submitting electronically, submit as one complete document, with the work plan, budget and supporting materials integrated into the document.

Applications can be sent via e-mail to:

Applications can be sent via US Mail to:
Linda Loomis Lower Minnesota River Watershed District 112 E. 5th Street #102 Chaska, MN 55318 


  • Residents
  • Non-profit and religious organizations
  • Local governmental units
  • Public and private schools
  • Businesses and corporations

Funding Agreement

Each applicant selected is required to enter into a Cost Share Grant and Maintenance Agreement with the LMRWD defining the obligations of the applicant and the LMRWD. The amendment of any terms of the agreement will be by mutual written agreement signed by all parties to the original agreement.

The agreement includes, but is not limited to, such items as promoting and acknowledging LMRWD sponsorship, reporting, payment schedule, terms of the agreement and use of funds, cost overruns and cancellation. The agreement also allows the LMRWD access to the project area for evaluation and promotion of the project. The applicant is responsible for securing all permits necessary for the work.

For projects receiving $10,000 or more, the LMRWD may require an agreement for maintenance of the project up to ten (10) years.

Reporting Requirements

Within 30 days of the completion, a summary report must be submitted with paid receipts before final reimbursement can be dispersed. Grantees will be required to include original receipts of the expenses, digital or hard copy photos of events, and electronic copies of all education materials produced.

For More Information

Please review the Cost Share Program Guidelines.  If you have additional questions contact the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District by e-mail at or by telephone at 763-545-4659.