Schroeder Acres Park/Eagle Creek Sub-watershed Stormwater Study
Estimated Timeline: December 2018-December 2019 Estimated Cost: $66,025Schroeder Acres Park is located in the City of Savage within the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD). Eagle Creek is a two-mile designated cold water trout stream in Scott County within the cities of Shakopee and Savage, MN. Trout streams can be extremely sensitive to temperature changes and other pollutant loading. While Eagle Creek is not currently impaired, it is close to water quality standards and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has noted declines in the creek’s brown trout populations. Additionally, the heavily industrialized area has not been previously evaluated for chloride use.
The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD) and the City of Savage conducted a study to evaluate existing conditions impacts to the overall stream health of Eagle Creek related to bacteria, nutrients, temperature, chloride, and volume. The feasibility study included modeling the subwatershed’s hydrology and hydraulics, identifying potential best management practice (BMP) opportunities to reduce external loading, and evaluating BMP sizing, location, and water quality benefits. The project also included conceptual engineering design of potential BMPs.
The project, identified by the City of Savage under the 2018 Metro Area Watershed-Based Funding Pilot Program, was completed in 2019. The City of Savage received $60,000 of reimbursement funds from the LMRWD with a 10% match paid by the City. The project reports helped the LMRWD to better define parameters and focus management effort and helped the City identify potential opportunities to reduce external loading. Reductions in external loading will protect Eagle Creek trout populations by improving water quality and habitat. Additional information on Eagle Creek can be found here.
Project Resources
Eagle Creek Sub-Watershed Assessment
Schroeder Acres Park/Eagle Creek Sub-watershed Stormwater Study Work Plan
Project Contact
For more information about this project, contact:
Linda Loomis
Project Partners
City of Savage