City of Carver Levee Improvements
Estimated Timeline: 2022-Present Estimated Cost: $12 millionFollowing flooding from the Minnesota River that significantly damaged the downtown area of the City of Carver, construction of the Carver Levee began in 1965. While the levee has protected the City for years, its age has resulted in several documented concerns including steep slopes, freeboard heights, and obstructions within the toe setback area. Due to these deficiencies and a lack of construction records, the system cannot be certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A lack of levee certification and levee deficiencies has required properties located within the floodplain to purchase costly flood insurance and does not guarantee them protection from flooding.
The City of Carver is working to update the aging infrastructure and certify the levee system. In 2021, the City of Carver developed a project workplan, held public engagement opportunities, and completed geotechnical reviews and preliminary designs. As part of the project designs, construction limits were determined, and costs were estimated at $12 million for reconstruction and certification.
The levee improvements project received funds from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Flood Damage Reduction Grant. The LMRWD and the City’s stormwater fund matched a $150,000 for the Minnesota DNR grant. The project recently received $6 million from the State of Minnesota under the State’s Flood Hazard Mitigation Program. Currently, the project is in the design phase. Because of the costs, the project will likely be completed in phases unless full funding is received.
Project Resources

Project Contact
For more information about this project, contact:
Linda Loomis
Project Partners
City of Carver
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources