The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District adopted its Watershed Management Plan October 24, 2018. Draft rules have been developed to implement the plan. The draft rules were submitted to Board of Water and Soil Resources for review and comment. The board's review shall be considered advisory. The board shall have 45 days from receipt of the proposed rule or amendment to the rule to provide its comments in writing to the watershed district. In addition to the Board, the draft rules were sent to transportation authorities, other state agencies, the Metropolitan Council, counties and municipalities that will be impacted by the rules.
These rules are required by Minnesota Statute 103D.341 and are supported by the statement of need and reasonableness analysis produced as part of the District’s watershed management plan amendment process in 2017-2018. The rules allow the District to take the following actions:
- issue a LMRWD municipal permit to municipalities so they can administer the erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, and steep slopes rules
- issue permits for Minnesota Department of Transportation projects as well as projects undertaken in unincorporated areas of the DIstrict not regulated by another agency
- enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to assist with the administration of shoreline and streambanks stabilization, water crossing, and water appropriation permits
The District staff addressed feedback received from the TAC and generated a final rules draft,which was presented at the September board meeting for authorization of its submittal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). Below is the tentative rules adoption schedule:
- October 31, 2019: Draft rules submitted to BWSR, all public transportation authorities, TAC, and all statutorily required review entities for the 45-day review period (The LMRWD extended the comment period to December 28, 2019)
- January 2020: Address all comments received during the review period and revise the rules accordingly
- February 2020: Provide notice and hold a public hearing on the revised draft rules
- March 2020:
- Provide written notice of adopted rules and a copy of the rules to public transportation authorities who have jurisdiction within the District and to the governing body of each municipality affected by the rules
- File a copy of the adopted rules with the county recorder of each county affected by the District and with BWSR

More Information:
Draft Rules - February 2020
Draft Rules Redlined Version - February 2020
Response to comments received - February 2020
Response to comments made during informal comment period
Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR)